Review of Cadw to be led by Roger Lewis
Welsh Government Review of Cadw to be led by Roger Lewis Welcome back to the Roger Lewis blog. Here is the latest news from Roger Lewis. The task and finish group will be chaired by Roger Lewis, who steps down as President of Amgueddfa Cymru, National Museum of Wales, at the end of this year. A decision was made in 2017 for Cadw to remain within Welsh Government as an internal agency but with increased operational and commercial freedoms that would enable it to function more effectively and efficiently in delivering its wide range of roles and responsibilities. An operating board with external expertise was subsequently established to support these new arrangements, with the intention of undertaking a review once they had been in operation for five years, a milestone that has now been reached. Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, Dawn Bowden said: I have asked Roger Lewis to chair this Cadw review in recognition of his many years of experience in the cultural, business, and civic life o...